Book Classes

In-Studio & Live Virtual/Recorded

It’s super easy to sign up!

Need help? Call us at 301-770-3340

Select a class on the schedule below, and click the “Sign Up” button.

  • To view more dates, click “Full Calendar” below.
  • If prompted, allow cookies to use the site. This allows the site to function.
  • You will be prompted to sign into your Mindbody account or create an account.
  • For Mat classes, be sure to select the correct sign up for either the IN-STUDIO or LIVE VIRTUAL/RECORDED option.
  • You will receive an email confirmation of your reservation.
  • Classes that are full are identified as “Waitlist Only”. Clicking the “Sign Up” button will waitlist you for the class. It is not a class reservation. You will receive an email notification if you are added to the class from the waitlist.
  • To book a recurring class reservation, click here to sign up through our Mindbody desktop website.