Back Pain to Back Health Workshop

w/ Aliyah Hatcher, PMA-CPT
and Lydia Badra, PT, PMA-CPT
Sunday, June 23
1:30 – 3:30 pm

What should you do if you have back pain? What’s most important is that you have a good understanding of the nature of your back pain and the potential causes, and that you develop healthy movement strategies to help manage and alleviate it. Under the guidance of a well-trained and experienced teacher, Pilates is an excellent way to address and correct physical dysfunctions, such as muscular weakness, tightness, imbalances and poor alignment, which can lead to back pain.

Aliyah Hatcher, PMA-Certified Pilates Teacher and Lydia Badra, Physical Therapist and PMA-Certified Pilates Teacher are teaming up for this workshop to give you essential knowledge and movement strategies for back pain. Lydia will discuss pelvic and spinal anatomy, key muscle groups, pelvic pain versus lumbar pain and common types of back and pelvic ailments, including disc issues, nerve impingement, stenosis and SI joint dysfunction. Aliyah will walk us through a practical lab on sitting, standing and workstation ergonomics, and then get us moving with a series of Pilates-based Mat exercises and movements that are especially effective for various types of back pain. Come as you are, and leave with knowledge and tools that can help you reduce your back pain or prevent it altogether.

All levels are welcome. Space is limited.

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$49 for the Workshop
No refunds. All registrations/sales final.
View Aliyah’s & Lydia’s Bios