The Ultimate Foam Rolling Workshop

The Ultimate Foam Rolling Workshop
w/ Jenna Coulter
Saturday, August 6th
2:30 – 4:30 pm

The foam rolling revolution is here! Why? Because trainers, physical therapists and educated exercisers have realized that a regular foam rolling regime is valuable maintenance for your body. Foam rolling is actually a form of myofascial release for tight muscles, bound fascia and connective tissue that can inhibit your movement and cause pain. By rolling, you improve tissue mobility, break up adhesions and scar tissue and increase circulation, speeding up the body’s healing and recovery process and improving your movement and performance in everything you do.

In this workshop we will learn foam rolling techniques for the entire body, including the legs, back, hips, neck, arms and chest. As a bonus, we’ll also incorporate balance work on the roller to help strengthen the deep stabilizing muscles of the core, hips, legs and feet. We will finish with some basic mat exercises, incorporating the roller to boost the strengthening power of each move. Your body will feel unbound, free of tension, balanced and strong, and you will have valuable tools to start your own roller revolution!

This workshop is open to all levels. No experience is necessary.

Green button graduated tone v2$45 for the Workshop
View Jenna’s Bio